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Cadena Cristiana CRET 5.0
Web Design
Cadena Cristiana CRET presenta al publico unaforma mas sencilla y practica para poder escuchar la palabra deDios en su Smartphone o Tablet, Cadena Cristiana CRET es una cadenade radios y television desde El Salvador llevando la buenas nuevasde salvacion a todo el mundo, realizando el mandato que nosencomendo nuestro Señor Jesucristo; que se encuentra en el libro deMarcos Capitulo 16 y versiculo 15: Y les dijo id por todo el mundopredicad el evangelio a toda criatura. Marcos 16:15.Por esa razon amados hermano y amigos les invitamos a que seanmare de nuestra gran familia y juntos llevemos este evangelio atoda criaura como se nos fue encomendado.Les amamos en el Señor. Dios les Bendiga.**********************************************************Cadena Cristiana CRET presents to the public a simpler andpractical way to hear the word of God in your Smartphone or Tablet,Cadena Cristiana CRET is a chain of radio and television from ElSalvador bringing the good news of salvation to the whole world,performing the mandate entrusted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ;found in the book of Mark chapter 16 and verse 15: And he said, Gointo all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark16:15.For that reason beloved brother and friends we invite you to bemare of our family and together we carry this gospel to everycriaura as we were entrusted.We love the Lord. God bless you.Chain Christian CRETpresents to the public a simpler and practical way to hear the wordof God in your Smartphone or Tablet, Christian Cadena CRET is achain of radio and television from El Salvador bringing the goodnews of salvation to the whole world, performing the mandateentrusted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ; found in the book of Markchapter 16 and verse 15: And he said, Go into all the world andpreach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.For that reason beloved brother and friends we invite you to bemare of our family and together we carry this gospel to everycriaura as we were entrusted.We love the Lord. God bless you.**********************************************************Chain Christian CRET presents to the public a simpler and practicalway to hear the word of God in your Smartphone or Tablet, ChainChristian CRET is a chain of Radio and TV from El Salvador bringbringing the good news of salvation to the whole world, performingthe mandate Entrusted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ; found in thebook of Mark chapter 16 and look 15: And He Said, Go into all theworld and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16.15.For That reason beloved brother and friends we invite you to bemare of our family and together we carry esta gospel to everycriaura as we where Entrusted.We love the Lord. God bless you.
Radio Visión San Miguel 1270AM 6.7
Web Design
Llevar a todas la naciones el mensaje desalvacion, cumpliendo asi con la gran comisión. Crear Espectativaspara la extension de su reino en la tierra.Ser una Herramienta en las manos de Dios y de sus siervos paraejecutar su obra. Desarrollar una buena programacion aceptable aDios y a su pueblo..Carry all nations themessage of salvation, thus fulfilling the great commission. CreateExpectations for the extension of his kingdom on earth.Be a tool in the hands of God and his servants to perform theirlabors. Develop good programming acceptable to God and his people..
Radio Exodo 17:6 6.2
Web Design
Radio Exodo 17:6 ------ He aquí que yoestarédelante de ti allí sobre la peña en Horeb; y golpearás lapeña, ysaldrán de ella aguas, y beberá el pueblo.Radio Exodo 17:6 presenta al publico una forma mas sencillaypractica para poder escuchar la palabra de Dios en su SmartphoneoTablet, llevando la buenas nuevas de salvación a todo elmundo,realizando el mandato que nos encomendo nuestro SeñorJesucristo;que se encuentra en el libro de Marcos Capitulo 16 yversículo 15:Y les dijo id por todo el mundo predicad el evangelioa todacriatura. Marcos 16:15.Por esa razon amados hermano y amigos les invitamos a que seanpartede nuestra gran familia y juntos llevemos este evangelio atodacriatura como se nos fue encomendado.Les amamos en el Señor. Dios les Bendiga.Pastores Rene & Ana Amaya 703-991-9585 y 202-730-5625Radio Exodus 17: 6------Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock inHoreb;Strike the rock, and waters come out of it, and the peoplemaydrink.Radio Exodus 17: 6 gives the public a simple and practical waytohear the word of God in your Smartphone or Tablet, bringing thegoodnews of salvation to the whole world, making the mandateentrustedto us by our Lord Jesus Christ; found in the book of Markchapter 16and verse 15: And he said go into all the world andpreach thegospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.For that reason beloved brother and friends invite you tobecomepart of our family and together we carry this gospel toeverycreature as we were instructed.We love the Lord. God bless you.Pastors Rene & Ana Amaya 703-991-9585 and 202-730-5625
Radio la Voz de Dios 5.6
Web Design
La palabra de Dios para todo el MundoThe word ofGodWorldwide
Radio la Voz de Dios Vive 6.2
Web Design
Somos Radio La Voz de Dios Vive, unaradiocristiana que a nacido para llevar el evangelio de nuestrosDios atoda criatura reconociendo de que la misericordia de nuestroDioses grande y por ello le acompañamos dia con dia con himnosdeadoracion,juvilo,etc. Asi como tambien oracion por sus peticionesypredicaciones que son nuestro pan diario esto y mucho mas esestaradio estacion que le acompaña dia con dia y es unprivilegioacompañarles estamos para servir a nuestro Dios y a cadauno deustedes que nuestro seor Jesucristo derrame ricas yabundantesbendiciones hermanos y amigos...We are Radio Voice ofGodLive, a Christian radio that was born to bring the gospel ofourGod to every creature recognizing that the mercy of our Godisgreat and so we accompanied him day by day with hymns ofworship,juvilo, etc. . As well as prayer for their requests andpreachingsthat are our daily bread this and much more is this radiostationthat accompanies him day by day and it is a privilege toaccompanywe are to serve our God and to each of you that our LordJesusChrist rich spill and abundant blessings brothers andfriends...